
This website is the product of my interest in, and research into, the men of the 9th Battalion, King's Liverpool Regiment in the Great War. My interest in this particular unit stems from the fact that they are my 'local' territorial battalion. Many men of my home town (Ormskirk, Lancashire) enlisted into the 9th King's in the Great War and many of these ordinary men voluntarily left their unremarkable lives to serve King and Country, travelled to the continent and then lived with unimaginable horrors for up to three and a half years. The self-sacrifice of the town and its people made a deep impression on me and the more I discover, the more respect I have for these men and their considerable achievements.
This website is my tribute to those who died and to those who survived to live with the memories.
I am always seeking more information to add to my database of the officers and men of the 9th King's, so if you have a relative who served, or if you have any information, photographs, letters, diaries, medals etc relating to the officers and men of this battalion, I would be very grateful to hear from you.
I collect medals to men who served in the 9th King's and would welcome the opportunity to buy any that might be available. In my collection they will be researched and treasured.
If you are looking for information concerning the 9th King's, or any of the officers and men who served in the battalion, I will do my best to help. If you don't find the answer to your question on these pages, send me an e-mail by clicking on the postbox below.
Copyright notice: All images on this website are subject to copyright and may not be used elsewhere without permission. So please ask first.